Berklie Boulevard

My life, as an open book. Raw, like the sugar I use. Come on in & join me for a drink.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Back From Japan

Mr. 6PackAbs returned from his business trip to Japan, just in time to throw the washer to the curb & rescue me from domesticated terror. He brought back some great souvenirs for Chloe & me, but this one is sooooo amazing, that I just had to share.

I know this doesn't look like much & its a horrid scan, but allow me to explain. See each & every tiny little piece of white, that makes the overall picture? Those are broken pieces of eggshells, people!!! Can you believe that someone has the time... and PATIENCE, to do that??? I surely would not have the patience. The pieces are put together on a black painted piece of wood, one by one, then sealed on. Amazing.

I'm not so much into the Asian decor, but the simplicity of the design, the black & white, & the fact that my sweet man brought it home for me, makes it very suitable for my home.